Gadadhar Avyudaya Prakalpa
The Background of the Project – Gadadhar Abhyudaya Prakalpa (GAP)
The children of the modern society being fortunate enough to have come under the influence of technological development and other sweeping changes in socio-political sphere, are empowered by the benefits of a global way of life. Whereas on the other side, a large number of children from rural areas are deprived of such upbringing and exposure to the modernization due to the factors of property, illiteracy, superstitions and narrow mindedness.
Keeping the aforesaid social conditions in mind, the Gadadhar Abhyudaya Prakalpa (GAP) was launched by the Ramakrishna Mission Headquarter in October 2010, as a part of the 4-year long 150th Birth Anniversary Celebration of Swami Vivekananda, for the 3-fold development of the needy and backward children – physical, mental and intellectual, and since then, it has been running up till now in different parts of India. The project ‘Gadadhar Abhyudaya Prakalpa’ (GAP), named after the childhood name of Sri Ramakrishna, i.e., ‘Gadadhar’, is being implemented for the betterment of the neglected slum and rural children who are often brought from the roadside huts and highly unhygienic garbage-damping areas.
Through the GAP, all the children’s needs – not only the basic education, but also an integrated development of body, mind and intellect, to fully manifest the hidden potential of being enlightened citizens, enabling them to effectively participate in national and global development, are attempted to accomplish. Thus, the GAP promotes an integrated and harmonious individual and social life enabling the nation and citizens to grow in chorus.
The Primary Aims of GAP
- To instil moral and cultural values in the aforesaid targeted children
- To educate them with special coaching on their school subjects
- To inculcate a sense of cleanliness and hygiene in them
- To nourish them for their physical developmente
- To prepare them to be good citizens of India
Report of GAP in Ramakrishna Mission, Sahudangi
Every day the session starts with prayer followed by daily routine activities. Four teachers and four attendants are engaged for taking proper care of the students. Expert doctor and pediatrician are engaged for periodical check up the students and thereby keep them healthy.
Education and sports:
Apart from their school syllabus the children are also imparted with basic education of physical, spiritual, cultural and mental development. Classes of song recital, storytelling, instruments playing, art, yoga and dance are also being provided for all round development of the child. Alongside, textbooks, pictorial moral story books, study materials, school bags, uniform, umbrella, raincoat and footwear are also supplied to the children from time to time free of cost. Outdoor and indoor games are also incorporated as a part of the scheme under expert supervision. Coaching for sports are also provided to the children. Sport items are made available to the children at the expense of the scheme.
Health and Hygine:
At the end of each day’s program, nutritive food and supplements are served to all the children which consists of egg, milk, fresh and dried fruits, nuts and other hygienic food items. Medicines, multi vitamin tablets, tonics are periodically supplied to the children as prescribed and suggested by the doctor. Toiletry items like toothpaste, washing soap, bathing soap, oil, tongue cleaner; nail clipper and towel are also periodically supplied for educating the children with hygiene and health.Excursions and nature study camps are organized for the children from time to time.